
17th Pécs International Dance Festival

Yvette Bozsik Company Puss in Boots

17:00 | National Theatre of Pécs - Chamber Theatre


- dance theatre for children -

Length: 50 minutes
Age: 3-10

Year after year Yvette Bozsik Company addresses the youngest audience in the language of dance. Following the Ladder Tales, the Magic Circus, Peter and the Wolf, the Best Tales from the Arabian Nights and Coyote Dancing with the Stars, this time, at the request of the National Dance Theatre, we will stage at the Heritage House a dance adaptation of a classic tale, Puss in Boots.

At the heart of the story is the intention to help while finding the truth, which is a very important lesson and parable for children. The driving force of the cunning and actions of Puss in Boots is the desire to help his dispossessed and outcast but kind-hearted master, and to defeat the giant. The relationship between Puss and the Miller’s Boy is based on unselfishness, love, respect and the unconditional trust in each other. All the cunning and deceit is only a tool for Puss to achieve his goals, to allow justice to prevail.

The extraordinary music of the performance is composed by Philippe Heritier, the Paris-based Swiss composer, who has cooperated with the company for over 20 years.

Puss in Boots: Maurer Milán
Three Boys: Gombai Szabolcs, Krizsán Dániel, Deák Kristóf
King: Ivanov Gábor
Princess: Hasznos Dóra
Magician: Kalmár Attila
Shoemaker: Vati Tamás
Birds, Rabbits: Bujdosó Anna, Hortobágyi Brigitta, Samantha Kettle
Clown: Iványi Mirkó

Sets by Tamás Vati
Costumes by Sosa Juristovszky
Lighting by József Pető
Music by Philippe Heritier
Creative Producer Marcell Iványi
Choreographed and directed by Yvette Bozsik

Photo: Horváth Judit – Yvette Bozsik Yvette Company

The performance was coproduced by the Yvette Bozsik Company and the National Dance Theatre.