
10th Pécs International Dance Festival

Misina Folk Dance Ensemble Folk Dances of the Mezőföld Region

17:00 | Theatre Square

Hungarian dance with the Misina Folk Dance Ensemble

Artistis director: Gálber Attila

Movein Mission | Szeged Contemporary Dance Company | Yvette Bozsik Company Mesh | Moderato Cantabile | Prey

19:00 | National Theatre of Pécs - Grand Theatre

Duda Éva Társulat | Fotó: Dömölky Dániel

1st part | Movein Mission: Mesh

length: appr. 40min.

performers/creators: Darabont Áron, Egyed Bea, Rusu Andor, JessicaSimet, Várnagy Kristóf/Kelemen Krisztián

music: Miguel Marin   
lighting: Kovácsovics Dávid
costume design: Fazekas Endre
production assistant: Czveiber Barbara
concept, choreography: Guy Nader, Maria Campos

Like particles pursuing their paths in space, continuously collaborating and networking, five dancers search for spatial harmony by connecting together and sculpting an assemblage of systems, creating an collective organism that, by constantly building up and falling apart, leads to different encounters and constellations. Through the exploration of high levels of physical precision and concentration an atmosphere of tension, focussed on awareness and survival, is established, a journey focussed on meticulousness and rigor which draws the audience’s attention to their perception of time and space, and the experience of the here and now.
The creative duo behind Mesh, Maria Campos from Spain and Guy Nader from Lebanon, first met the company members last Autumn and held a workshop for them at the Movein Studio.

2nd part | Szeged Contemporary Dance Company: Moderato Cantabile

Szeged Contemporary Dance Company | Photo: Tarnavölgyi Zoltán

length: appr. 40min.

Coproduction by the Szeged Contemporary Dance Company and teh National Dance Theatre

performed by: Zsadon Flóra, Hajszán Kitti, Czár Gergely, Hortobágyi Brigitta, Kiss Róbert, Takács Zsófia, Stáry Kata, Bocsi Petra, Bujdosó Anna, Szigyártó Szandra, Horváth M. Gergő, Csetényi Vencel, Hegedűs Tamás, Vincze Lotár

music: montázs
lighting: Stadler Ferenc
sets: Scabello
costume design: Bianca Imelda Jeremias
choreographer: Enrico Morelli

Moderato cantabile is a story about passion, about a lack; it is the feeling of emotional life, it is an attempt to narrate love without filling it, but simply by outlining the map which lies beneath it. On the stage, a room placed outside time and space which lives according to established and fixed patterns. The characters move into this “place of elsewhere”, leaving indelible imprints, tracing paths which become furrows waiting for a place of freedom, though illusory and temporary.

3rd part | Yvette Bozsik Company: Prey - excerpt

length: appr. 30min.

performed by: Szent-Ivány Kinga, Vida Gábor, Fülöp Tímea, Vati Tamás, Krausz Alíz, Gombai Szabolcs, Hasznos Dóra, Kalmár Attila, Samantha Kettle, Stohl Luca, Székely Szilveszter, Vislóczki Szabolcs

music: Philippe Heritier
sets: Vati Tamás
lighting: Pető József
costumes: Juristovszky Sosa
the choreographer's assistant: Soós Erika
choreographer: Bozsik Yvette

Prey by the Yvette Bozsik Company was inspired by the poem by Janus Pannonius with the title 'Prayer to the God Mars for Peace'. Seeking the limits of expressive opportunities of dance, Yvette Bozsik demonstrates the fall of an empire, the destruction of a culture, and people’s hatred towards each other, which has been wiping out cultures from our universality for centuries. The inspiration for the performance comes from the cult surrounding the god Mars, of the sacrificial rituals and their bygone solemnity, the myths and rituals of the Roman era, the common dance and its divine power and faith. The performance explores the relationship between community and the individual, life and death, seeking the answer for the human cycle. The performance was created using the music of contemporary Paris based Swiss composer Philippe Heritier, specifically composed for this occasion.

Yvette Bozsik Company | Photo: Horváth Judit